
Welcome to the home of the new blues radio show Big Road Blues. First a bit of background: My name is Jeff Harris former co-host of Bad Dog Blues for over ten years. With my partner Gary I think we made Bad Dog Blues one of the best blues shows anywhere. In addition I ran the website which garnered us fans all over the world. I also do some blues writing and currently some blues promoting here in Rochester, NY.

Big Road Blues airs on Sundays 5 to 7 PM (EST) on WGMC Jazz90.1 and streams live on the web. Big Road Blues will be an exploration of traditional blues spanning the 1920’s through the 1970’s. Most shows will be built around a theme such as a particular artist, record label, lyrical theme, spotlights on notable reissues, features on out-of-print records, etc. About once a month we will do a non-themed show devoted to a wide range of traditional blues and spotlighting a few artists who will be featured in upcoming shows.

This blog will be updated regularly with the week’s playlist and notes on each week’s show. In addition I’ll be posting occasional reviews on new reissues, classic albums, books and various articles on blues history.

You may be wondering why this blog is at This is because right after Big Road Blues WGMC airs Muskie’s Juke Joint from 7 to 10 PM (EST) with host Dave Moskal who’s been airing the show for the past 15 years. At some point we will probably be posting playlists and info for that that show here as well.

Some of you have already inquired if, like Bad Dog Blues, we will be providing podcasts or realaudio archives of the show. The answer is no as Jazz90.1 does not permit this due to licensing issues.


What happened to…

Well the short answer is that can still be found here but the website will no longer be updated. The show is still going strong and still airs Sundays 10 AM to 3 PM (EST) hosted by Gary. After leaving the show and starting a new one it no longer makes sense to keep the website updated. It’s a bit sad but I’m very proud of the site which I’ve single handedly run since 1999. Since that point the website became hugely popular and brought our little show to a world wide audience. There’s still plenty of great blues content including loads of reviews, artist profiles and other features so please check out the archives. You can still listen live by going to the WITR website. You can also read my final comments regarding Bad Dog Blues here.
